Textile Materials Library

Started in 2022

The Textile Materials Library was part of a bigger research on Sustainable Pathways to Repurpose Textile Waste, thesis of my MFA in Design at the University of California Davis. In this project, different biobinders were explored to create textile waste composites with different material properties. BIO meant that these binders were either biobased, biodegradable, required low energy in the manufacturing process, or no external synthetic compounds. Different materials were explored like starches, gelatine, casein, tree resins, alginates, agar, and shellac; polycaprolactone (PCL), Jesmonite, and PVA glue. Also binding strategies were explored like thermal fusion of synthetic fibers, mechanical binding, and mycelium growth on textile waste, which lead to the project MycoTextile Futures, which expanded on the idea of textile fiber biodegradation along fungal biocycles.

Samples of each binding method were created as well as labels to insert them into the physical and digital repository of ecomaterials in the Design Department at UC Davis. A portable device was developed to contribute to the educational mission of the Library, and help faculty, student, and other possible users, to take the library outside its site into the classrooms and other learning environments.

Project funded by UC Davis The Green Initiative Fund grants given to Alejandra Ruiz (2022, MycoTextile Futures) and Eldy Lazaro (2020, Ecomaterials Library) and achieved with the contribution of Professors Beth Fergusson and Christina Cogdell, and undergraduate interns Emma Smith, Mariam Tawfik, Jacques Mak, Daksh Chander, and Allison Rowe.

materials, education

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08. Conversación En Filigrana


10. Workshops