
4 boxes of textile-rock samples and a printed process booklet. 100cm x 100 cm x 5cm.
Textiles, resin, cardboard, felt, styrofoam


In non-human nature, the rock has been slowly and patiently carved by time: cosmic dusts are deposited one on top of each other to form layers that make up the soil, which then descends, petrifies, and returns to the center of the earth to complete the lithological cycle. These sediments and geological patterns let us read information of the passage of time.

Similarly, the rock samples seen here were created using textiles as sediments, resulting in unnatural cultural rocks where valuable information about anthropic time is confined. To conform them, textiles taken from former garments were deconstructed into smaller fragments and re-formed following patterns that resemble the ones minerals become in geoforms. Along their transformational process, the garments and textiles speak up stories about technology, industrial cultures, life spans, and environmental implication of consumption and production.

The artwork was the result of opening the creative process to the public through workshops in arts-related settings, building a learning community that reflects on the sense of touch, materiality, and practices around textiles and clothing. It was exhibited in Contextile - Contemporary Textile Arts Biennale in the city of Guimaraes, Portugal, from September 1st to October 20th, 2018; where it received an honorable mention.

Press: https://indigo-proyectos.com/galerias/Contextile%202018/large-46.html 

Booklet: https://drive.google.com/open?id=17Y7viwIEjh8tc9_DIbGnC-KMsBiLg_qB

artwork, materialS, education

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04. Att.Ale


06. Antropolites